APP-6 is brand-new kiosk, designed specialy for banking retail operations. Providing maximum security and reliability, APP-6 is very flexible and can be tuned- up in according with your requirements.
USAGE:payments for multiple prepayed services, tickets sales, cards distribution, info services.
CABINET:2-mm. thick metal cabinet with rich color options.
HARDWARE:ASUS motherboard, 4 Gb DDR III, UPS 500V, 17’’ TFT touchscreen, billacceptor (JCM or CashCode) in separate safe, cheque printer (Custom VKP), GPRS-modem.
OPTIONS:A4 Printer, telephone set, card reader - barcode reader - signature pad, webcam, USB, Wi-Fi adaptor, metal PIN- pad, plastic card printer, proximity sensor, USB port Contact us to discuss optional features.
ADVANTAGES:- Ergonomic set-up providing comfortable and quick.
- Separate access area for cash and hardware with individual lock.
- Wide range of additional devices and options.
- Modern design, suitable for all interiors.
- High quality of assembly and components.
- Height x Width x Depth:1430 x 600 x 380 mm.
- with second screen: 1830 x 600 x 380
- Weight: 70 kg
- Power consumption: 500W